Hello, everyone! I’ve been missing in action, I know. There are a lot of great things I have been meaning to write about and I’ve been struggling to find the time. I’ve especially been doing some really cool work at Unity this past year in the area of data-driven development and I’m itching to write about – so this is me attempting to get my act together and start writing again.
(I’ll admit that most of my free time lately has been spent on my Nintendo Switch; you see I finally got around to playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and, well, it’s just amazing how fast what limited spare time I have these days disappears…but I digress)
You might also notice that my website has changed. That’s because I’ve moved from my old Tumblr-based blog that I set up in all of about 90 seconds a few years ago to a proper site. All of my old posts are also migrated and appropriately back-dated (what fun that was). The comments, however, didn’t come along for the ride.
I’m working on a few new articles at the moment, but if you have anything you’d like me to write about, feel free to contact me.